Monday, April 19, 2010

Have a One Hour Jewelry Show!

Here is a quick and easy show idea for you to offer your prospective hostesses -- the one hour show!

Give your Hostess a chance to have a Girls Night Out to catch up with friends where you will be there with the jewelry for only ONE hour, and she can catch up with her friends the rest of the evening! Here are the details:

· Start the show off with an On-Time Drawing and tell your customers, “Ladies, your Cookie Lee Jewelry Store is here for one hour tonight. Just want to let you know I’ll be the first one to leave tonight so you can then spend the rest of your Girls Night Out catching up with your friends.” Be sure to have the Hostess ask the guests ahead of time to bring their postcard invitations for the On-Time Drawing, or give them Raffle Tickets when they arrive.
· Thirty minutes into the show (halfway) you do a Second Drawing using the Business Builder Tear Pad (BBTP) sheets. It is helpful to have a BBTP sheet in the bottom of each shopping basket, instructing each customer to fill them out completely to be entered into the next drawing.
· Forty-five minutes into the show, make an announcement by saying “The Jewelry Store will be closing in 15 minutes, at which time we will be holding our Final Drawing of the night from the sales receipts”.
· End the show with your Final Drawing.

All three drawings items should be something with HIGH perceived value to your customer and LITTLE cost to you. Ideas for drawing items include giving away Cookie Lee Discount Coupons or Cookie’s Outlet items.

Once the Final Drawing is done and the show is totaled, you then reward your Hostess with our Brilliant Benefits Hostess Program, pack up your things and head home to your family (or off to your NEXT One-Hour Show)!