Monday, September 1, 2008

Fall Catalog Debuts

I AM SO EXCITED! After attending my 11th convention I am so thrilled with Cookie's new fall catalog. The jewelry is phenomenal, and I have a renewed enthusiasm for making this my best selling season ever. It was great to see some familiar faces, and to meet the new consultants on our team at convention. I am ready to take my business to the next level of success, and encourage you to get on board and let's ride the wave together! This selling season is the shortest, and also the busiest. Take the time now to plan your fall schedule, learn the ins & outs of your business, be willing to change things up a bit to create success, and as Cookie herself said, "Reinvent yourself" this fall! We have a smashing catalog, wonderful incentives, cool new monthly jewelry with the INsider's Club, and the opportunity to help women learn, earn & succeed. Anything is possible, you just need to believe it, then go for it! If you're not planning and creating the dreams for your life, who is?